Dr. Robert Bello - Precision Care NJ

Dr. Bello grew up in Ridgewood and Wyckoff during elementary and junior high school then finished high school in Franklin Lakes. He played football, baseball and was a three-year varsity wrestler where he placed twice in the district championships.

Graduating from Ramapo State College in Finance, in his free time Dr. Bello constantly immersed himself in nutrition, fitness, and wellness. After graduating, a gym injury drove him into a local chiropractors office where he and the Doctor had many conversations that lead them both to believe that chiropractic school was the next logical step for Dr. Bello.

Excelling in his chiropractic studies at Life Chiropractic University in Marietta, GA, Dr. Bello specialized in a subset of chiropractic called Upper Cervical (UC).  In UC chiropractic, the patients’ spinal misalignments are meticulously measured using digital X-rays.  The information taken from the X-rays allows the Doctor to administer a gentle, precise spinal correction with any forceful twisting, cracking or popping.  Dr. Bello spent a lot of time at local UC offices while at school and was amazed when he saw some of the most difficult, chronic cases resolve under UC care.

In practice, Dr. Bello has taken his love of UC chiropractic and evolved it into a unique system that also incorporates his passion for fitness and athletic recovery. This system leverages UC’s power to balance the central nervous system which allows the body to heal with ease. Dr. Bello then uses cutting edge soft tissue techniques (ART, Graston, Dry needling, cupping, kinesiotaping, Cold laser) to rapidly and effectively heal muscle tendons and ligaments in order to get the patient back to performing their chosen activities/sports. With this unique system, Dr. Bello regularly sees patients respond after trying traditional chiropractic, physical therapy, and acupuncture etc. with little relief.

The only thing in life that Dr. Bello is more passionate about than his devotion to his practice and helping his patients get well are his two beautiful daughters.  They fill up his free time and are the fuel that drives his dedication to his mission of bringing greater health and healing to his communities.

Dr. Bello grew up in Ridgewood and Wyckoff during elementary and junior high school then finished high school in Franklin Lakes. He played football, baseball and was a three-year varsity wrestler where he placed twice in the district championships.

Graduating from Ramapo State College in Finance, in his free time, Dr. Bello constantly immersed himself in nutrition, fitness, and wellness. After graduating, a gym injury drove him into a local chiropractors office where he and the Doctor had many conversations that lead them both to believe that chiropractic school was the next logical step for Dr. Bello.

Excelling in his chiropractic studies at Life Chiropractic University in Marietta, GA, Dr. Bello specialized in a subset of chiropractic called Upper Cervical (UC).  In UC chiropractic, the patients’ spinal misalignments are meticulously measured using digital X-rays.  The information taken from the X-rays allows the Doctor to administer a gentle, precise spinal correction with any forceful twisting, cracking or popping.  Dr. Bello spent a lot of time at local UC offices while at school and was amazed when he saw some of the most difficult, chronic cases resolve under UC care.

In practice, Dr. Bello has taken his love of UC chiropractic and evolved it into a unique system that also incorporates his passion for fitness and athletic recovery. This system leverages UC’s power to balance the central nervous system which allows the body to heal with ease. Dr. Bello then uses cutting edge soft tissue techniques (ART, Graston, Dry needling, cupping, kinesiotaping, Cold laser) to rapidly and effectively heal muscle tendons and ligaments in order to get the patient back to performing their chosen activities/sports. With this unique system, Dr. Bello regularly sees patients respond after trying traditional chiropractic, physical therapy, and acupuncture etc. with little relief.

The only thing in life that Dr. Bello is more passionate about than his devotion to his practice and helping his patients get well are his two beautiful daughters.  They fill up his free time and are the fuel that drives his dedication to his mission of bringing greater health and healing to his communities.


    20 Franklin Turnpike Suite 218
Waldwick, New Jersey
  (201) 857-5050
  [email protected]
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Precision Care NJ Dr. Robert Bello
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