PRECESION Upper Cervical Center of NJ in Waldwick, New Jersey has invested in state-of-the-art x-ray equipment (high frequency, digital) that gives us the best quality image and has the least amount of exposure risk for the patient.

We are more like spinal engineers and these x-rays serve as our blueprints.


Precision Care NJ
Precision Care NJ

We take four films, two from the front, one from the top and one from the side in order to gather a three-dimensional study of the atlas. The impressive results that Advanced Orthogonal practitioners regularly enjoy are due to the precision in which the X-rays are taken and analyzed.


Precision Care NJ
Precision Care NJ

Advanced orthogonal doctors are one of a very small group of chiropractors who after the initial X-rays are taken and the first adjustment is administered take another two x-rays (from front and top). The reason for this second set of x-rays is to verify that the measurements get better and the head and neck to become more upright. We know that when this happens the communication between brain and body becomes clearer and patient’s health and proper function restore.

Contact us to make an appointment with our expert chiropractor today.